Sample alkaline diet
And how even more rare extreme metabolic acidosis is. The rest of your post is not worth responding to. Even if we do eat only veges which is really hard for aprrox 90% of the population of the world, we are only restoring our body to a more balance state which is the results of taking in net forming acidic food for decades. Simply putting magnesium oxide in water forms magnesium hydroxide. To maintain their alkalinity cancer cells rapidly export acidic protons in to the external matrix making the micro-environment just around the outside of the tumor acidic when the tumor finally grows large enough that the proton export exceeds the removal rate. As pointed out bones are only used as a last resort. Cesium chloride can lead to heart and liver problems. University of Toronto Medical Journal Vol 87, No 1 (2009) The higher affinity for oxygen by cancer cells than healthy cells: Utilization of Oxygen by Transplanted Tumors in Vivo. These account for virtually all the pH regulation in the body. This is especially true in cancer patients because the cancer produces large amounts of lactic acid which can put extra strain on your liver, kidneys, and body systems. Also, is it even possible to really detox the body of metals. Artificially produced alkaline water can be made alkaline with the addition of carbonates or as in the case of ionized alkaline water by the production of caustic mineral (metal) hydroxides. Do you understand this this means hypothetical, not proven. Its effects are proven, consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects. Purified waters will absorb carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides from the air making the water acidic. Pancreatic cancer is aggressive due to the high blood flow and thus high oxygen delivery to the cancer cells. Yet the believers love to quote one study that showed a small number of remissions among test subjects given cesium chloride. Yes, you can get precipitate if enough hydroxide is ADDED to supersaturate the water or if you use a cobalt, iron or aluminum hydroxides, which are insoluble. Despite eating no breakfast or lunch(only taking some alkaline electrolytes), I felt fine. Again a great example of people relying on assumptions instead of REAL science. Along with proper Omega oils, now, I think I can beat the blight that makes my life, at times, unbearable. Here is some reading for you: There is plenty more research if you look. Yet the FDA has arrested people and immediately seizes their bank accounts illegally for performing ozone therapy. I was diagnosed osteo-porotic five years ago, and was told to take bio-phosphates, which once I researched I refused to take any more. Tissue Math Med Biol (1991) 8 (3): 191-220 The History of Tumour Angiogenesis as a Therapeutic Target. Will eating an alkaline diet make you and your bones healthier. So where is this supposed latent acidosis they are referring to. Again, the study you posted did not back your assumption and was heavily flawed to begin with. These larger particles trap easier in the tissues. I hope some can remember that not everyone has choices, I know many others just like me. I posted on how to use DE here: And some more related information on silica: Alfalfa herb (not sprouts) and nettle leaf are also great as they provide various nutrients needed to strengthen the teeth. I found some research on podophyllotoxin several decades that were reported in JAMA and JACS stating in the 1950s. 35 to 7. Again it supports the alkaline diet theory where too much acids is not good for our body. Drinking ten glasses of water a day has shown to dramatically decrease. How many millions have been diagnosed with leukemias and lymphomas. Also same reason the initial death of the center of malignant tumors from a lack of oxygen stimulates the process of angiogenesis. Also, Juniper Berry essential oil is a kidney oil. Cancer cells also utilize some amino acids, lactate and ketones for fuel sources. People need to stop fearing the acids we derive from food and that are formed by the body. It is just more rhetoric trying to go off topic and make things personal since you cannot argue the actual topic due to lack of any evidence to back your assumptions. It just that until recently people find the common thing in these food is that it is net acid forming. This makes the arterial walls thicker so they can handle the higher pressure the arteries are exposed to and prevents aneurysm. Do you even have a clue what an autoimmune condition is. Cut through the confusion and hype and find out which sweeteners are safe for you and your family. Hydroxyl radicals are formed from the disassociation of the mineral hydroxides that are formed when the water is split by electrolysis to make the alkaline water. since u keep on saying bicarbonate buffer is the main buffer and so on and so on, i will try to use this as an eg. People should be looking at saliva and urine ph and how they relate to health. Hydroxides are not safe to ingest or even get on the tissues because they dangerously neutralize stomach acid and hydroxides chemically burn the tissues. Although various other studies do show that it causes and promotes cancer. If the blood pH was maintained by diet just imagine the nightmare that would be. What the promoters of quack oleander ignore is that in these thesis the person is also discussing the use of Sutherlandia, which unlike oleander has been proven to cure cancer. There is a lot of potassium in limes, but this DOES NOT alter the blood pH. Until you give your body 30-60 days to see how it responds to upping the alkaline percentage of your diet, everything is just speculation. i thought u are smarter than that. But of course they were selling the enzymes they claim you need just like this company is selling the goji berries at outrageous prices. I came here not knowing about this new trend, but as with virtually all diets, I knew it was based in fantasy. Pretty ironic coming from someone who has not even looked at the medical literature and thinks actual science is guessing based on flimsy evidence and personal opinion. 4, resorption is switched off. Since there is more water in the body even a 61% water content would be an impossible 121% not even including other things such as minerals and amino acids. Reply Jules says June 23, 2016 at 8:36 pm Go to the Philippines and you will see first hand the results of unchecked polio. Secondly, the hydroxide group does in fact bind to the minerals. The body maintains that on its own primarily through normal respiration. Uva ursi contains 2 while manzanita leaves contain 16. I have no issues with this because i have been doing the research for 36 years and feel confident in what I am saying. How did they come to this bogus conclusion. Reply Ed Watson says October 21, 2015 at 4:37 pm Was it not evident enough (for you). The blood helps to regulate the levels of acidic protons produced by the metabolism of ALL foods. Problem is that it is not acids in the blood. This buffer is used as first resort when excess acid is taken up in food or beverages. I also like to use food grade diatomaceous earth to my water as an alternative to get the benefits of the silica. Then they will be invited in and all of a sudden ads for natural products appear. Especially if the water being used has been purified of minerals first since as already pointed out some type of electrolyte must be present. Magnesium acts like a natural calcium channel blocker thus relaxing blood vessels and increasing circulation that aids with healing. One of those primary acids is carbonic acid, which is produced by the metabolism of foods. Nutrient dense foods tend to be more alkaline and thus help control and maintain normal healthy body function. When the proton pumps of cancer cells are blocked the cancer cells become acidic killing them. If you want to debate something specific about cancer then be specific in your claims and stop posting vague references that supposedly support your vague claims. Take for example lactate, which is also a primary fuel source for cancer cells yet also inhibits proliferation. Blood acidity increases when people ingest substances that contain or produce acid. But (and this is sarcasm) I truly appreciate your input. Why people with no or some missing teeth have problems. I have also discussed the dangers of statin drugs for cholesterol numerous times, which includes increased risk of heart failure. 3. Look it up. You will generate more acid from heavy exercise that you do from the acids formed from eating a salad or steak. This is a common side effect the first time you start an alkaline diet. Furthermore to Lung and Kidney function, diet has a direct effect on both I would say more so on Kidney function than Lung Function nevertheless when we ingest foods that are acid forming. All will cause the same alkaline response, which is a normal part of digestion. Did you know that alkalinity is also associated with cancer. But this does not mean the so-called alkaline diet is bad. You can also supplement your food with alkaline electrolytes, or alkaline green powder which easily takes you up to the recommended 6 serves of green vegetables a day without the bulk. Again, this is why they use angiogenesis inhibitors to reduce the oxygen supply directly to the tumor by inhibiting blood vessel formation to and within the tumor. As I mentioned before strict vegetarians will develop a B12 deficiency over time if they do not supplement with B12 since you CANNOT obtain true B12 from plants. See in 2 minutes how you can check your filtration. One of the main reasons for this is the formation of HCG coatings that shield the tumor from the immune system. I use a combination of electrolysis and RO. See, the calcium in the water was not concentrated, it is was simply transformed in to a dangerous and synthetic hydroxide to make the water alkaline. Therefore, alkalizing the cancer cell would only increase the growth of the cancer if the cancer thrives with little oxygen hypothesis was true. This is due to the erratic vasculature within the tumor, which leaves parts of the tumor highly oxygenated and other parts hypoxic. The other reasons is that alkalosis decreases circulation by constricting blood vessels, which further reduces tissue oxygenation. In other words, regardless of what you eat or what your urine pH is, you can be pretty confident that your blood pH is hovering around a comfortable 7. I agree with the science, not the opinion of this dipshit. A couple of years post transplant I have developed a few health issues like high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, weight gain etc. And the most common causes of high homocysteine are low or absent stomach acid and hypothyroidism. Brown and blue glass it should be kept in. The blood pH is highly regulated, as you suggest. Again the HBOT is not used to kill cancer cells since it DOES NOT kill cancer cells. However there is now a fourth type of water. As it turns out heavy metals and fluroide. Anytime. Furthermore, cancer cells themselves have an alkaline internal pH more alkaline than healthy cells. Thanks for doing the research for all of Us. They need this alkalinity to survive and to drive cancer cell glycolysis. Reply TG Canonfly says January 14, 2015 at 5:11 pm What a relief. More high fiber vegetables in the diet is also good. You explain it beautifully, so thank you. Blood pH is maintained primarily through respiration followed by kidney excretion or retention of hydrogen ions. Cancer viruses have been shown to lead to cancer through altering or genes to turn off apoptosis, increasing growth hormone output and by turning off tumor suppressor genes. Reply Jim Bagnall says April 2, 2016 at 12:25 am Hi, What a load of tosh your article is. I suffered from advanced prostate cancer which had become metastatic. First, this is not just from an excess of protein. Last, if your parents are not using a pure water machine, then what they use should be filtering the water with active carbons. In a nutshell, human nature has introduced conscious and unconscious bias to many areas of the scientific process, greatly diminishing the value and trustworthiness of peer reviewed studies. Rouleaux most commonly occurs from dehydration, excessive sodium and some medications. All can be dissolved in water in small amounts. This is why pancreatic cancer has one of the lowest survival rates of any cancer. Reply Allan says April 16, 2015 at 9:53 pm Hi James, obviously you have a very firm grasp of textbook, human physiology, respiration being the primary mechanism of body ph control, etc. So rare that most doctors will not see a case of this in their entire careers. The average person breathes out acid(CO2), urinates acid, sweats acid, and while feces are usually alkaline they are generally less alkaline than the blood. Also keep in mind that there is more to maintaining muscle mass that simply the amino acids present. really want a cure when it means they will no longer exist either. It is this alkalinity that allows the cancer cells to survive and drives cancer glycolysis. My point was that sugars are only ONE potential fuel source for cancer cells. You are right about the anti-rejection drugs. Most rush through their meals out of habit and have lost touch what meal time is about. Yet people who have fallen for the alkaline diet myth say beef is acid. Exercise promotes bone mineralization by putting pressure on the silica in the collagen matrix. Why would a cancer patient expose themselves to more oxygen under pressure if less oxygen is what they should be seeking to stop the growth of cancer. Come on Bean be honest and just admit the reason is that there is no real reason the water can help other than maybe placebo effect. This is a common tactic among uneducated gullible individuals. The average person can only utilize roughly 3 ounces of protein daily. Author information Abstract The acceptance of any complementary medical approach is conditioned by the results obtained after the same scientific scrutiny applied in orthodox medicine. For example, common sense tells us that since we are designed as omnivores neither a strict meat diet nor a strict plant diet is optimal. It supposes that in order to keep blood pH constant, the body pulls minerals from our bones to neutralize any excess acid that is produced from our diet. First of all even if the body is plagued with illness this DOES NOT make the blood acidic. Anyone knowing any basics of mutation knows that mutations do not occur in such major jumps meaning HIV DID NOT come from SIV. Sugar is considered acidic because it increase excretion of magnesium. 2. I found two studies in less than two minutes proving my point. Although stomach acids exists at normal time, it is mainly produced when there is food intake. For example, they claim the alkaline water is antioxidant. First, foods do leave behind acid or alkaline ash. Full article and citing articles available- Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 1 (2004), Issue 1, Pages 93-98 Original Article Ozone Therapy for Tumor Oxygenation: a Pilot Study Bernardino Clavo,1,5 Juan L. OK, so much for the remarks about condemning essential oils. There are some hypotheses based on the incorrect assumptions of Simoncini, but no research. They also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. Of course that is just my opinion but I think a lot of people agree with me. I suggest you update your view by reading these peer reviewed research papers (published by Cambridge University Press and NCBI): and Please read and update your info that is reaching 1000s. But these are some of the same caustic mineral hydroxides formed by water ionizers. Also keep in mind that many things are claimed to work based on Petri dish studies. Zeta potential determines the degree that red blood cells may either be optimally suspended and discrete or tend more toward coagulation. Yet they ignore this fact and give credit to the oleander, which has been proven to be ineffective while ignoring the Sutherlandia given to the same patients despite its being proven to be effective. Since tumors cannot dissipate heat as efficiently as healthy tissue only the tumor gets cooked. The autoimmunity itself has NOTHING to do with pH nor is it the result of an overactive immune system as doctors claim. Look up the solubility of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium hydroxides. NOBODY ever claimed this as Bean is trying to falsely imply. I will try to explain this super simple concept to you once more and hopefully you will get it this time. We are trying to explain to people how the microscopic eggs that are laid in rotten food are connected to the larva worms which appear and later the bugs which soon will be seen surrounding the food source. They are subjected to much higher pressures than the veins. I also like the herbs uva ursi or manzanita leaves, which actually kill the bacteria. And we get more from diet and supplements. The acidosis is leading to bone loss by osteoclast stimulation or by buffering. Reply DGS says December 21, 2016 at 9:15 pm James, Those comments I made were direct from the scientific study I actually read. If she is going to drink the matcha then it needs to be done away from supplements and probiotics. It makes an assumption that you have well functioning kidneys. When molecules of ATP lactate are yielded as a result of aerobic glycolysis in cancer cells, lactate is secreted into the tumor microenvironment. The increase of haemolysis is negligible suggesting that the erythrocyte membrane is spared at the expense of other sacrificial substrates. Author information Abstract OBJECTIVES: Induced dilated cardiomyopathy is the main limitation of the anti-cancer drug doxorubicin, which causes oxidative stress and cardiomyocyte death. If you dumped a bag of salt in to the lake each day for even for a thousand years if possible would the lake ever become salty. James says March 14, 2015 at 12:38 pm Nice OPINION piece. The tea plant is also high in tannins, which can block nutrient absorption and could adversely affect the probiotic bacteria. Ozonetherapy has proved useful in the treatment of ischemic syndromes, and several studies have described a potential increase of oxygenation in tissues and tumors. There are studies that are looking into Low Grade Diet Related Acidosis and cancer of which there is no clear answer, but a correlation. Instead you have argued from the start using assumptions but no REAL evidence to back your claims. Beth and James are talking about two sides of the same coin. The kidney specialist suggested to start with medications. Cancer cells can and do in fact utilize ketones as a fuel source. In fact, cancer arises in alkalinity all the time. On the whole, these results support the concept that much of the O3 toxicity is neutralized by the powerful antioxidant system of blood. People with systemic chronic illnesses have more acidic saliva and urine. When people keep promoting such nonsense they are a danger to other and a boon to big pharma who benefits because these people make holistic medicine look like quackery. Is there a recall mechanism or people ask their comments to be removed afterwards. Now I probably down two bunches a week and I use another one or more in my cooking as well. Same with herbs that have a very long history of being used to cure cancer that were around long before ozone therapy. What is interest to note though is that the incident rate for polio was on a significant steady decline BEFORE the salk vaccine. Therefore, we do not even know if the cancer was caught very early or if he passed the 5 year mark required to even claim a cure. Guess what REAL science has proven to support thyroid function. The reason they are in use today is because there was an actual rational for their use backed by REAL science and not some hypothesis that goes against what real science has already shown. Same reason that liver cancer and small cell lung carcinoma have the same to lower survival rates as pancreatic cancer. James Reply Nes says December 7, 2015 at 12:25 am Check out this website, it actually has a liquid ionic mineral complex that is suspended (extracted from volcanic rocks) in sulfuric acid an water, hence it is charged, and has an alkalizing effect on the body. Casein from milk can also cause digestive problems, I also recall that some people had strong reaction to coconut oil. U assume that the bicarbonates regulated by resp. But this has variable such as the form of the metal. Why should i claim i know that it is a disease too when i didnt even touch a topic about it. When the chyme (partially digested food, stomach acid and enzymes) is released from the stomach in to the intestines the pancreas releases sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the acid. For that reason, they have supercharged blood veins in order to consume so much sugar to create so little energy. Reply James says November 3, 2016 at 2:31 am Actually the bicarbonate goes to the pancreas where it is stored and used later mainly to neutralize acids in chyme as it leaves the stomach. But even with sufficient oxygen those diseases and conditions can still occur because oxygen is not the deficiency leading to those diseases and conditions. P. Reply Bo Jangles says November 15, 2015 at 1:08 am One place where I agree with you James. And again, for this water to be antioxidant the water would have to react with oxygen radicals neutralizing them. But the body has a means to deal with the toxic ammonia and create a beneficial compound in the process. Every humans study on oleander has found it to ineffective for cancer and according to the latest research appears to shorten the lives of cancer patients. For good health eat natural foods, stay away from anything that has been processed. And as I said before what I have said is backed by REAL science, not assumptions like you rely on. When you have calmed your gut and determined you are your own worst enemy, eat a balanced intake of the basic food groups except anything you are allergic to forever. See: If you really want to get cholesterol down see: Reply Michele says August 1, 2014 at 7:39 pm I really wish you guys would stop with the obsessive-compulsive arguments-personality conflicts going on here in this thread. One problem with the hypothesis is that they are simply measuring the urine pH. By the way, vegetables are just as natural as nuts, seeds and meats. When I go off it, it takes months for problems to re-occur, but I have learned my lesson and it is a mainstay to my health. This is what people commonly mistake for acidic cancer cells. Do you really think these societies such as the ACS, American Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Susan G Komen, etc. See: Reply bean says August 1, 2014 at 7:22 am To james, thats exactly the reason why i tell u to drink the water. ( ) I also refrain from grains and sugar. James Reply Laurie says August 14, 2015 at 10:19 am Try telling the Inuit peoples of the world as well as other tribals peoples who rely on mainly meat that they were never meant to eat animals. So much of what I have learned convinced me that an alkaline diet was the key. I do respect your approach and experience and let me listen to you why you subscribe to such opinion and whether it is based on personal experience or something else. I would like to learn more about the different combinations of foods and how that changes the chemical process our bodies have to use in order to compensate for the types of foods we eat as individuals. Maria Lozada says August 10, 2015 at 10:25 am First I used my uncle as an example to say chemo can work in cancers that are not easy because he is elderly and was around 70 when he got cancer. Reply Amber says December 26, 2014 at 10:59 am Totally agree with you, Ben. More BS. Electrolysis of water can be done with the addition of any electrolyte. Healthy people do not produce profits for the medical industry. So exactly how did the water affect the androgen hormone levels that lead to acne formation or the adrenal dysfunction that leads to asthma. But I am not going to go in to a long explanation of the absorption of different food compounds since there are so many different food components absorbed by different means. After going through extensive chemo with no improvement he was given 6 months to live. Evidence needs to be produced to even elevate the hypotheses to the level of a theory. To form white flakes they would either have to insoluble or the water supersaturated with the mineral (metal) hydroxides to allow them to precipitate out. Reply James says August 30, 2016 at 5:22 pm Bones are only used as a buffer as a very last resort. There is no switch to stop the phosphate buffer from interacting with acids, theres no stopping when the molecules of protein buffer meets the acids, IT WILL INTERACT WITH IT. All I see him referencing are other opinion articles. The consequence of the release of lactate leads to the development in growth and proliferation of cancer cells, also increasing the likelihood of metastasis Reply James says February 24, 2015 at 9:01 pm Cancer cells will use some of that lactate as a fule source as lactate is one of various fuel sources for cancer cells. Something as simple as thinking about food starts the secretion of stomach acid. And just because respiration increases this does not mean the person is hyperventilating. These studies are relevant and are increasingly showing that Chronic Low Dose Diet Induced Acidosis are having an effect on both bone and acid base balance in the blood. It is the metabolic effect that earns them the name acid or base forming. Therefore, the body has to work extra hard to rapidly remove this sudden influx of water to prevent problems. As for the absorption of other things, yes they are absorbed in their broken down forms. With further questioning low and behold the truth came out. Reply James says November 10, 2016 at 5:55 pm OK Julia how do you listen to your body when it says it needs cAMP. When our acid producing flora, which keep the Candida under control, are reduced the terrain becomes alkaline turning on the Candida growth gene and morphing the Candida in to its PATHOGENIC fungal from. All the time they continue putting their health at greater risk do to the decreased methylation and from the chemical burning from the caustic mineral hydroxides in the water and tissue damage from the hydroxyl radicals these mineral hydroxides disassociate in to. But this sudden influx of water in to the blood can raise blood pressure and dangerously hyper-dilute the electrolytes. RESULTS: Ozone treatment diminished the increase in serum creatinine levels, the glutathione depletion and also reversed the inhibition of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities induced by cisplatin in the rat kidney. She started smoking and after an hour I had to leave. I see people trying to make a case for the quack ionized alkaline water all the time giving credit to the water when they did other things that are what really helped. While it has always seemed logical that calcium from bone would be used as buffer, your article shed new light that makes me question this logic. See: What people with candidiasis need to do is to restore the naturally acidic environment in the areas of the body where Candida naturally exists. Ozone machines are a fraction of the cost of the quack water ionizers so many people are trying to push for one. I know also of essential oil blend of clove, rosemary, grapefruit and geranium that can do the same job as above. So how is this scientific proof of the effectiveness of chemo. So, I was curious to read what James had to say. In the normal acidic environment the Candida growth gene is turned off and the Candida remains in its BENIGN yeast form. Also keep in mind that neither baking soda nor vinegar are really foods. Again, if protein intake causes acidosis as you claim and acidosis causes bone loss as you claim then how come athletes who tend to eat way more protein daily than the body can use do not end up with bone loss. But the body can only utilize so much calcium at one time and there is a very dangerous condition known as hypercalcemia (excessive calcium) that can cause all sorts of side effects such as high blood pressure, constipation, confusion, muscle spasms, etc. Therefore, some people have mistook this to mean that cancer thrives in an acidic environment. Although this does bring up a really good point. 8. The inflammatory process involves dilation of the blood vessels to increase oxygen and nutrients to an injured area to aid in the healing process. Not sure what to suggest about the judgmental attitude. There was a japanese study where the researcher found that the PH of urine decided both which diabetic patients would get worse, and the speed of their decline. Basically manufacturing became a big free for all of people, most of which did not have the faintest clue of what they were doing. So why are you dancing around answering my question for you. Reply James P says July 28, 2015 at 12:01 am This guy James needs to win some type of Webby award for laying all of his scientific knowledge on the table and going back and forth with brainwashed anti-science armchair experts. Bone IS NOT used as a primary means of acidosis prevention. Think of that pulp as scrubbing bubbles for the colon. What was being referred to is what was missing that led to these diseases and conditions, which IS NOT oxygen. Because the stripped water slowly eats away at the inside of pipe until pin holes appear. When the Candida morphs in to its fungal form from the alkalinity the Candida forms finger-like projections known as hyphae that allow the Candida to dig in to tissues causing tissue damage and inflammation. The noncancerous lung cells were unaffected at these levels. Again these are not words of proven fact. How many times do you have to be told to learn some real chemistry and anatomy and physiology instead of just making crap up. After some research, I gave up all sugar (which is highly acidic) and hard cheese for the same reason and took baking soda every day. Speaking of which the cancer loves low oxygen levels is also a major myth. In the other group of seven patients, systemic ozonetherapy was administered twice weekly during radiotherapy. The body produces various antioxidants that are much better. You need to use logic, common sense and get the bigger picture. And taking this further you also mentioned you eat a lot of raw vegetables. Reply Jenny Graves says August 8, 2015 at 6:56 pm James, if you are going to comment, please check your facts. Since you want to believe in this guy then read this and check the facts: If people would simply learn how things really work in the body instead of being gullible and believing any old crap they see on the internet like from Sircus then there would be a lot less time being wasted on debates. As chyme leaves the stomach the pancreas releases bicarbonate to neutralize acids in the chyme so the acids will not harm the intestines. I prefer to get silica from diatomaceous earth (DE) in water. This includes carbonic acid necessary for various things in the body and that does alter blood pH to help the body to maintain the pH it requires for survival. If you must comment, at least get your facts from a reputable source. See: Reply hagber says August 29, 2014 at 2:35 am Concepts of ketosis and Ktoatzidosis. Again the body can only live in a very narrow pH range, which is why the body has so many redundant systems to keep the pH within that narrow range. In this two-part series, I will address the main claims made by proponents of the alkaline diet, and will hopefully clear up some confusion about what it all means for your health. Now I know so much more about it because I bothered to look at both sides. Reply DariuszMD says November 6, 2015 at 9:01 am Wow do you even understand what you reference. I am merely providing evidence that REAL science has already shown. For example, show us the medical research proving that long term ingestion of foods claimed to be acid forming induce acidosis as you keep implying. Keep in mind that cooking your food makes the food more acidic. In this case though the food is metabolized forming acids that are required by the body. And the ones that do end up in the blood are partially utilized and the rest eliminated almost entirely through respiration followed by kidney elimination of hydrogen ions. i was on strong hormone treatment (Bicolutomide and Lucrin) to reduce my testosterone as I was told my cancer feeds on testosterone. Both the trace element salt or DE are cheap, safe and effective means to reduce health problems that can occur from drinking purified waters. Potassium hydroxide (Drano) and sodium hydroxide (Red Devil Lye) also have these same warnings due to severe chemical burns they can cause to the tissues. What with the above medications, and now we are all meant to be on Statins for the rest of our lives, the medical profession is probably doing a better job of killing us all off than a couple of glasses of alkaline water a day. It can be applied topically or internally to support the kidneys. It is in this fungal form that the Candida forms finger-like projections known as hyphae that allow the Candida to dig in to tissues causing damage and inflammation. So once again your hypothesis is very faulty. I prefer binding heavy metals with phytates from grains, pectins from fruits and vegetables and algins from seaweeds. Four to be specific. I CLEARLY meant these wont happen in a short time. 5 you mentioned cannot be your blood pH. My primary recommendation is cultured foods and increased fiber intake. That does not mean that we are designed to eat it or it is our optimal food any more than Twinkies are. Reply Jules says June 23, 2016 at 8:17 pm Just drink plenty of water. No surprise that urinary PH was found to both predict the likelyhood and speed of kidney failure in diabetics. If bones were used to buffer this excess acid, we would expect to see evidence of this taking place in clinical trials. See: Are you also aware of the fact that the first cases of AIDS were ALL linked to vaccine programs. Or, the opposite, consuming only water and strong acetic acid solution for the same period of time, would not have some blood ph lowering effect at all. There are plenty of good reasons for ensuring your diet includes critical basics like fats, proteins, sugars (your brain lives on glucose alone, fyi), fibers, and a wide variety of nutrients and micronutrients and minerals. -Ionized alkaline water contains caustic mineral hydroxides that make the water alkaline. Most of the molecules in water are in that extremely stable form we know as H2O. In fact, research has shown that not only do many pathogens thrive in an alkaline environment, but also that when healthy cells are made excessively alkaline the healthy cells morph in to cancer cells. Of course naturally occurring substances are not as profitable sue to patent issues so the drug never came to market. It is a serious condition and can not go untreated, if you are not willing to start traditional therapies, it would be in your best interest to see a Naturopathic Doctor who will be able to monitor you closely as even these natural remedies can have some nasty side effects if not followed closely. Thanks for clarifying how nutrition has nothing to do with acidic levels in your blood. Clinical trials do not support the acid-ash hypothesis of osteoporosis At first glance, some of the studies may look convincing, because higher acid diets often increase the excretion of calcium in the urine. Mercury has a high affinity for brain tissue. 2. According to the medical journals the closest known relative of HIV is sheep maedna visna virus, with 53% of the same genetics. The point I was trying to make is that low stomach acid has to be addressed or nothing will work properly. I have had a kidney transplant and because of it I have high blood pressure. James Reply De Aun says January 15, 2015 at 1:27 pm I was encouraged to post and seek comment when I saw the dates on this article. Of the 14 sham-treated animals only 1 had spontaneous tumor remission and survived. Abstract Tumor hypoxia is an adverse factor for chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Reply Bo Jangles says November 14, 2015 at 10:44 pm I started taking sodium bicarbonate, and I peed tiny crystals for a week. See: You cannot predict when a cold will happen. Again, the problem is with your lack of comprehension and lack of understanding of how the body works. Whenever we try to withdraw the Prilosec (even very gradually), she experiences terrible heartburn and a return of IBS. Thus the pH is constantly regulated so that neither acidosis nor alkalosis occur except in EXTREMELY rare instances such as some poisonings or diabetic ketoacidosis. Thankfully, in a wold geared to sole profit, there are still a few out there who could be trusted. The stomach acid is also neutralized in the process leading to a long list of health problems that will develop from infection from ingested pathogens to decreased methylation. Generally though you should aim for at least. Why would these people be going clear to Germany for ozone therapy if things like chemotherapy have really been proven to be that effective. Urine pH is an indicator of dietary acid-base load, fruit and vegetables and meat intakes: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Norfolk population study. Reply kitty says May 4, 2015 at 5:29 pm Mediterranean diet I was brought up eatong. James Reply B says April 23, 2015 at 6:00 am Hi James, What do you think about intermittent fasting. As far as eating dead animals, it is not even CLOSE for a natural food for humans. The stimulatory effect is near-maximal at pH 7. If you are not smart enough to even find these studies then you clearly are not smart enough to understand them. Somehow your derailed your train and got on to bone minerals, not food minerals, regulating pH. Are you aware that raw vegetables are harder to digest and contain higher levels of thyroid suppressing phytoestrogens than cooked vegetables. A high PTH level confirmed hyperparathyroidism caused by a benign parathyroid tumor. This is what I need to know, and I am asking you have you seen any scientific info on this subject. Their alkalinity is not as strong as the acidity of the those food. Your digestive process is specifically designed to break food into smaller elements which the body can then utilize. The presence of ozone at 0. I also frequently get sick from flu and cough but i have been sick free ever since. Important times to test your pH are first thing in the morning (before. Reply Beth A Hooked on Health says August 30, 2015 at 6:55 am SW, chewing slowly and intently until her food becomes a puree is also extremely important to aid in the digestive function. The uric acid is formed in everyone as a protective mechanism against the highly alkaline and highly toxic ammonia. That is not even counting other adverse effects caused from the vaccine. Supplementing with magnesium malate or citrate can also help counter side effects of high calcium. James: The mineral hydroxides are especially dangerous as they not only neutralize stomach acid, which can lead to all sorts of health issues, but there is also the caustic nature of the hydroxides that can damage tissues and the fact that the hydroxides can dissociate forming the hydroxyl radical linked to cancer formation among other issues. This can cause health problems such as kidney stones. The polio vaccines given to over 95 million American in the 50s and 60s were contaminated with the SV-40 virus linked to various cancers in humans. It is claimed these are rare, but not all cases are being reported as such and rare or not does it really matter when it happens to someone close to you. That was until I was banned for providing proof that these cancers were viral induced. The thicker walls DO NOT mean decreased circulation since the elastin allows the arteries to expand and contract to maintain proper circulation and blood pressure. One thing he did get right is that viruses can cause cancer. This is why you keep claiming I am wrong but can never post any evidence as to why you think I am wrong. The blood pH IS NOT regulated by what foods you consume. The topic was the myth of the alkaline diet, and so that is what was being discussed. Author information Abstract Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) represent a group of metastasizing tumors with a high mortality rate in man and animals. Reply bean says August 1, 2014 at 8:50 am To james, DUDE, i never once mention alkalosis until u mention that it is a disease too. This water comes from either an electronic water ionizer or a magnesium based water filter. And taking calcium is not going to treat osteoporosis since it DOES NOT build the collagen matrix. Kefir (easily bought and creates a lifetime supply) will rebalance the gut with friendly bacteria and kill the bad stuff. My little brother has asthma attacks once in a while but he hasnt had any ever since he started drinking this water. Again, sorry for my bad English, good luck and, I suggest you rethink your attitude and life in general. Reply James says November 2, 2016 at 9:30 pm Claiming I am wrong with no evidence only proves you have no clue what you are talking about and were gullible enough to fall for this quackery. Secondly, diseases for which vaccines are mandatory are on the rise. Yes, there are other extremely minor pH buffers also at work, which has been explained previously. Your article fits, so I see why you were assumed to be allopathic. Also AVOID ALL Big Phama drugs, vaccines, chemotherapy, radiation. Reply Jenny Graves says May 4, 2015 at 4:27 pm You say avoid chemotherapy to stay healthy. And science has shown that areas of the body that are normally acidic for health have an increased risk of cancer when they become too alkaline. Author information Abstract BACKGROUND: Ozone therapy has become a useful treatment for pathological processes, in which the damage mediated by reactive oxygen species is involved. Argyria from true colloidal silver would be next to impossible as again most commercial colloidal silvers contain very little silver and are not in silver salt form. Reply Jadgpanther says December 8, 2016 at 1:03 pm Great comment Greg. If they cannot keep up then the body still has various other means to keep the pH in balance. The DE is left in the bottom all the time and each time you add new water traces of silica in the DE is dissolved, which is extremely beneficial to the body. And both acidic and alkaline solutions can be buffered so your statement is ridiculous. In addition, roles of both stomach acid and the acids produced by the beneficial bacteria that inhabit our bodies is to destroy pathogens. What I have CLEARLY said over and over is the fact that ALL foods are eventually metabolized in to acids. That means that as long as these molecules of, doesnt matter bicarbonate buffer regulated through resp. There is however a correlation with Acidity and cancer. What people are confusing is the fact that in the later stages of cancer the immediate area around the tumor becomes acidic. Not only did all three of these diseases first appear in the same villages as the EPI was being performed, but they appeared in all these villages at the onset of the EPI and ALL of these diseases disappeared on their own when the EPI was halted. Bone collagen formation is dependent on the amino acids lysine, hydroxylysine, proline, hydroxyproline and glycine as well as vitamin C, silica and traces of copper and zinc as catalysts. You see the ocean has a PH of 8. Secondly they mention the product used by name, which leads me to believe that the study may have been funded by the manufacturer, which would mean a conflict of interest. Again what is being pointed out is that it does not matter what you eat as far as blood pH goes since your pH IS NOT regulated by what you eat. This is a primary reason why when we eat our stomach does not immediately empty out. 4. Add learn some common sense along with real chemistry and anatomy and physiology. For that matter you should have learned by at least 3rd grade science that if you mix an acid with baking soda the baking soda gets neutralized. The Low-Carb Experts Respond Reply Ted Hutchinson says March 14, 2015 at 12:14 pm Restricting carbohydrates to fight head and neck cancer—is this realistic. I am strongly considering an alkaline diet vegan life change. They can form magnesium hydroxide, which like other hydroxides is still caustic. The only thing i havent tried is plastic surgery. Was that just to show off biochemistry acumen. James says August 10, 2015 at 11:50 pm Hi Sara, You are correct to be skeptical about colloidal silver. Again, ALL foods are eventually metabolized in to acids. And as usual they cite one source that makes it sound effective. Another good example of this is cesium chloride often touted as a cancer cure. Fibers in these foods help with detox and are fermented by the flora that account for most of our immune system in to beneficial acids such as lactic acid, acetic acid and other fatty acids. Fresh Snow peas: Low alkaline forming ability 7. In addition, research has shown that when healthy cells are made excessively alkaline the healthy cells morph in to cancer cells. Have no clue what IBS is. Author information Abstract BACKGROUND: Acute renal failure is a dose-limiting factor of cisplatin chemotherapy. Then as the chyme (food, drinks, stomach acid and enzymes) leave the stomach the pancreas releases bicarbonate that then neutralizes the acids in the chyme. Ozone-Oxidative Preconditioning Prevents Doxorubicin-induced Cardiotoxicity in Sprague-Dawley Rats. However, they also provide artificial pH side effects. If you ingest a food that contains acids the food will simply become more acidic in the stomach along with foods or drinks having an alkaline pH. In this fungal form the Candida forms hyphae that allow the Candida to dig in and damage tissues. Reply TG Canonfly says January 16, 2015 at 11:40 am Stupid, huh. But my statement stands, a pH of 8 to 10 ins widely accepted as being a HIGH pH value, not a low one. The water you drank resolved your dehydration which gave you a headache. And are you aware of the potential side effects that include neurological problems and even death. I do dilute the magnesium bicarbonate with distilled water before drinking but am wondering if it might be working against me. Needless to say, alkaline food camp has lesser items which are processed or meat products. And finally, what SPECIFICALLY are you deeming to be toxicity. Easy to form by 32 V DV voltage in pure water preferably pre-microwaved but away from UV. Have you looked in to methylation and methyl donors such as trimethylglycine. Reply James says November 3, 2016 at 1:51 am I am not saying one way or the other about the ketogenic diet. The body uses what it needs and readily eliminates the rest thus maintaining a pH imbalance. But the body has several bicarbonate systems, which is why I refer specifically to respiration as being the main means of pH regulation I already know you will not listen to me so I found a detailed explanation for you about how respiration works. Reply Aton says November 9, 2015 at 9:05 am Pls read one more time this articles I argue with authors of this site and he completly dont understand how body ph regulation work he forgot about most basic knowledge like correlation dont imply causation. Does having alkaline foods (in general) have the counter effect of causing the stomach to work harder and secrete excess acid. Reply James says August 1, 2015 at 4:29 pm Hi Michelle, The pH of 5. they simply concentrate the alkaline minerals in the existing supply. As these disassociate they form the dangerous hydroxyl radical. 9-7. I have made my own about 20 years ago but used it externally with high voltage through a neon tube to help stimulate the regrowth of what was left of the last digit of my thumb after a table saw accident. Even severe acidosis DOES NOT cause collagen loss. If they are being replenished then how are they being depleted. And when it happens to someone that is close to you does it really matter if the side effects are really rare or not. The subject you are so sure you understand better than those educated in the science of bodily systems. Now you are claiming processes are never completely stop. I just sit back and laugh as my doctor commends me for my exceptional blood test results and I watch everyone else age quickly as I maintain my youthful appearance. If the acid-ash hypothesis of osteoporosis were true, we would expect to see an association between net acid-producing diets and osteoporosis in observational studies. Sounds promising until you read the rest of the study they ignored where the people were given various other things in conjunction including things known to boost immunity and fight cancer. Will have to go elsewhere to understand the validity of alkaline vs acid. as for how u said it dangerously neutralize stomach acids, it just shows that u are the 1 that did not do any research. Even beneficial fibers are fermented in a variety of health promoting acids. Again, just because you do not know how to find studies this does not mean they do not exist. My own health is top notch in every single test that can be run. And again ALL foods, including vegetables are metabolized in to acids in the long run. Reply James says February 10, 2015 at 5:28 pm These benign parathyroid tumors that cause hyperparathyroidism have been linked to low vitamin D levels. As an addict I would eat anything in front of me. Calcium balance and producing a hormone for red blood cell production for example. The only thing I have seen you mention all these lines that was correct, as far as my physical experience goes, is cultured foods. What are the options for raising urine pH. I would say emotions have trumped food in my experience. pii: S1567-7249(13)00244-4 Tumor metabolism: cancer cells give and take lactate. The main reasons that high dose IV ascorbic acid (vitamin C) may help are: 1. Read the title of the articles so you can figure out what the topic of the article is. Recommended herbal sources include acerola cherry, amla, rose hips and nettle leaf. pylori bacteria, which secrete highly alkaline and highly toxic ammonia to neutralize stomach acid and protect themselves. Again, there is a lot of assumptions being made but I have not seen any solid evidence backing any of Dr. The improvements I found was an ease and strength in urine flow. If you get this, if you drink acid or alkali water but with different osmotic pressure, same applies. Did your comment serve some actual purpose other than to sound stupid. James Reply Amber says September 13, 2015 at 10:30 am Alkaline ionized water is negatively charged due to an abundance of free elections that neutralize free radicals. And since I already know you have a reading comprehension problem I found you a video instead with pictures. If osteoporosis were a calcium deficiency disease it would be unheard of among these people. Lipids present in plasma preferentially those present in lipoproteins, undergo peroxidation that is somewhat O3-dose dependent and can be observed by the measurement of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). In fact the study used artificially induced acidosis NOT from a food source. Regards, John H Reply James says August 30, 2016 at 6:26 pm Look in to ozone therapy: Reply DGS says December 20, 2016 at 2:40 pm There are many different alternative therapies to treating a wide variety of different diseases. Anecdotal of course, but my personal reaction to the flu vaccine is to become bedridden. The kidneys take up much of the remaining task of pH regulation. Common sense tells us that we have the same body length to intestine length as most omnivores and carnivores. There were less that 40 adverse events reported most minor such as irritation at the injection site. To protect the profits of the drug companies and thus their own cash, gift and high level job source. Alkalizing with lithium chloride showed no effect on cancer cells. This is why antibiotics lead to fungal Candida infections because they kill the beneficial acid forming flora alkalizing normally acidic tissues. Again, so far the only REAL evidence that has been presented shows ketones fuel cancer. Although the WHO had been warned several times that their vaccines were contaminated with viruses the WHO did nothing to change this fact. What happens to the baking soda when it is ingested. Also did you know that the FDA was Court ordered in 1969 to remove 710 FDA approved prescription drugs from the market because they were found to be ineffective or too dangerous for human use. People keep mistaking the external acidity that occurs around cancerous tumors during the LATER stages of growth as meaning cancer cells are acidic or that acidity causes cancer. As where chemotherapy and radiation therapy destroy healthy tissue ozone therapy helps promote healing. Low DNA methylation has been linked to mastocytosis and also leads to increased histamine levels. I am sure it also very much depends on the activity level and lifestyle of the individual. And finally, cancer cells can use other fuel sources other than sugars. Unfortunately those same antioxidants can interfere with nutrient, supplement and medicine absorption. Reply James says December 13, 2016 at 4:24 pm I did read the article. This blocks the conversion of testosterone in to estrogen. Kenneth Brown RHR: How To Tell If You Have A Leaky Gut RHR: Why You Need to Eat More Vegetables—and How To Do It, with Dr. aWc Ozone therapy: A clinical review. pii: S1567-7249(13)00244-4 Tumor metabolism: cancer cells give and take lactate. Previously you claimed the alkaline reserves get used up. The critical part that most doctors leave out is how your diet affects your endocrine system, which controls your bodies function and its level of performance. Lying like that does not support your position, it just proves how unethical you really are. The next outbreaks of AIDS in the US occurred in LA, San Francisco, St, Louis and Miami and again all in the vaccine recipients. Food can supply energy sources for the body and provides amino acids that help form neurotransmitters and hormones among other functions of food. Normal blood pH is 7. When it comes to cancer there is more and more evidence that the role of Diet Induced Acidosis is a causal factor in the development of certain cancers. The climate in both Subic Bay and Darwin is extremely hot and humid. Intestinal anti-inflammatories such as licorice root or yucca root, which are also good for the flora. My last pH count was 5. Reply Ashley says March 14, 2015 at 10:00 am I understand what you are trying to say, and I do agree that the alkaline diet is not well founded, or necessary based on current scientific knowledge. Sircus has no clue what he is talking about so I can care less if he swears by baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). The only pancreatic enzymes I can think of that require alkalinity for activation digest sugar molecules, not cancer cells. Plus there are times when you lose more water than you can drink (sweating on a hot humid day in FL, like today). And have you ever known anyone who had any of these side effects from vaccines. Anything more out of range such as a pH of 6 or 8 and you would be on your death bed if not already dead. There is no proof that Acidity causes cancer and there is no proof that Acidity or shall I say PH. So that is pretty strong evidence against your assumption. I would appreciate any other information re your diet etc that you may be prepared to share. Slow chewing does help to increase surface area and mixing of enzymes for digestion and extraction. Healthy foods are rich in immune stimulating nutrients such as ascorbic acid and pantothenic acid, as well as antioxidants and antivirals (the vast majority of cancers are viral in origin) such as tannic acid, chlorogenic acid, etc. The best fibers are rice bran, oat bran and vegetable gums such as guar, konjac (glucomannan), xanthan, etc. 2. Attempts to alkalize with cesium chloride showed that the cesium chloride DID NOT kill cancer cells. So minerals are not needed for the alkalinity and the hydrogen MOLECULE H2 DOES NOT make the water alkaline as you incorrectly claimed. The reason bicarbonate is the main buffer because it existed in a much bigger concentration. Also if you check out a map of soil PH and a map for kidney failure in the US, its all the super acidic soils where peoples kidneys are going to hell. This is why you have to discredit anything I have said with any real research. It promises all the bells and whistles sans electric water ionizers. H2 is infused into the water, which gives it a high pH reading. For me the acid alkaline balance is largely dependent on stomach acid, Hcl. Alkaline ash diets have been studied for over a hundred years. And you keep overlooking the simple fact that if any excess acids end up in the blood it is promptly reduced. What you claim was said DOES NOT show up because that is not what was said. PS: the comment above was made because korkut thinks that u said food will affect pH if its very long and under extreme conditions, so i reply saying that what u meant by the very long and under extreme conditions is about metabolic acidosis. Therefore, using the reasoning by the ionized alkaline water supporters, if their claims were true that drinking this water actually alkalizes the blood then this would also mean that the higher alkalinity would decrease the solubility of calcium salts in the body leading to calcifications. Think logically, when molecules to create these are used more than it is replenished, what will happen. Learn More Effortless Paleo Weight Loss Are you struggling to lose weight—or keep it off. As pointed out several times already bone is used as a pH buffer, but ONLY as a last resort. So this brings up the very obvious question, if these carbonates were insoluble why were they not in the water to begin with before the electrolysis. It happens when there is an excess of proteins. Some form in more acidic urine and some in more alkaline urine. There is plenty of evidence and research to suggest that there are plenty of problems with vaccines, strenuously denied by the pharmaceutical industry and the CDC. Here is one on adrenaline, although I suspect changes in the blood maybe even more interesting. I read this article with no previous knowledge of either camp. That same erratic vasculature is going to inhibit glucose delivery just like oxygen delivery is inhibited. Minerals are sold by some water ionizer companies to add to water. According to your faulty hypothesis there should be well oxygenated high pH areas decreasing cancer, but there would also be low oxygenated, low pH, areas that should be causing cancer. As the tumor continues to grow though there comes a tipping point where the higher metabolic rate of the tumor produces more protons than the body can remove or buffer and the LOCALIZED area around the tumor becomes acidic as the tumor cells rapidly export the protons out to maintain the internal alkalinity they need to survive and thrive. Heres an example of the effect of urinary PH on amphetamine excretion. I am reading them exactly as they are written. Honestly I have met many who swear by their water machines and they are radiantly healthy individuals. Like James said, you and others make it all about him as you babble on about HIM, HIM, HIM. People have recommended adding pink Himalayan salt to the water to remineralize it. In addition, the neutralization of the stomach acid also decreases the absorption of nutrients, especially those required for methylation. And yes, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. If what you are saying is true then we would not have Dietary induced metabolic acidosis then right. No matter how you look at it diet is a huge influence on our overall health and blood PH is a huge part of our health. Again, do some real research and stop relying on propaganda sites for your health assumptions. And again, what u wrote (above) again shows food does affect pH. Ozone oxidative preconditioning is a prophylactic approach, which favors the antioxidant-pro-oxidant balance for preservation of the cell redox state by increasing antioxidant endogenous systems in various in vivo and in vitro experimental models. I had 3 rounds of chemo, went into remission and then relapsed 6 months later. My bad that u cant understand what i am trying to tell. Cancer cells are highly reliant on oxygen for survival and growth. i admire that. REAL science can explain the real reason though. You can not be objective if you do not look at the body as a whole being inside and out. And as I pointed out these are also antiviral drugs as well. Most fruits and vegetables are net-base producing foods since the metabolized products are organic anion precursors such as citrate, succinate, and conjugate bases of carboxylic acids. For example, remember a few years back when the FDA was caught approving untested drugs in exchange for payoffs. And that did not include military personnel who were harmed from the forced vaccinations since they were barred from suing. Reply Barb says March 13, 2016 at 3:14 am James, what are you trying to say about the Ketogenic Diet. And again, the overgrowth is due to an alkaline environment, which turns on the Candida growth gene and morphs the Candida in to its pathogenic fungal form. The real digestion as such begins in the intestine, after alkaline pancreatic fluid is injected into the food by the pancreas. Reply James says October 23, 2015 at 9:22 pm Hi Tom, It would help a lot to know what kind of stones you are passing. Cutting all sugar out of your diet and focusing on a plant-heavy diet (as Paleo thought leaders push time and again) would obviously have a positive effect on your health. The body can generate its own glucose from a variety of things including glycogen, amino acids from proteins, fats and lactate. Even tissues that are normally acidic, such as the stomach and colon have a higher risk of cancer when they become too alkaline. Sign up for FREE updates delivered to your inbox. The —-(company x) uses RO for its filtration basis, but then adds our healthy Mineral Mix to the water. Keep in mind that most of the studies were done in vitro with cell lines. And you are also forgetting the Bicolutomide and Lucrin you said you took, which may have simply kicked in finally since ingested baking soda is neutralized by the stomach acid so it does not even reach the bloodstream. Reply tomLI says October 7, 2015 at 6:24 pm Healthy, fit. James Sara WK says August 25, 2015 at 6:20 am Thank you James. Changing your diet is only a small part of what you need to be doing to improve your health. So if they are claiming magnesium bound to oxygen then it sounds like this is exactly what they are doing. Acid forming foods also creates excess uric acid, which builds up in muscles and organs causing pain and congestion while i know this doesnt answer your question, i just want to show u that a lot of studies have been made on how different food can cause different diseases for a very very long time. In local applications as in the treatment of external wounds, its application in the form of a transcutaneous O(3) gas bath has established itself as being the most practical and useful method, for example at low (sub-atmospheric) pressure in a closed system guaranteeing no escape of O(3) into the surrounding air. All you have to do is to know how to research to find the facts. As pointed out respiration and kidney function account for nearly all the pH buffering in the body. I keep it in the fridge and drink it regularly. Not that i really cared about it anymore. The caustic mineral hydroxides in the ionized alkaline water will neutralize stomach acid just like Tums, which is not caustic like ionized alkaline waters. I drink an average of 4 litres a day in the hottest months. Not the same type of message from the body. Through the door water dispensers dispense charcoal filtered water on many new refrigerators. Reply James says April 13, 2015 at 3:30 am Ted Hutchison, Do you understand the fact that we have been discussing blood pH and the urinary pH discussed in this article DOES NOT reflect blood pH as has been pointed out so many times. This is one of the reasons that diet does not alkalize the blood. Thus it has NO alkalizing effect on the blood pH and thus DOES NOT kill already alkaline cancer cells. But again, cancer cells can use various fuel sources including ketones. Ultimately this will have an acidifying effect on all systems in the body. A fact that mentioned by several times before you even posted your studies. Mitochondrion 2013 Sep 9. Reply Jam